Я уже расшифровала песню:
Только английский вариант. Строки из песни на фарси уже переведены на английский и стоят на своих законных местах в тексте.))
Once upon a time you said to me
Everyone is seeking to be free
Don't seek for duplicity in empathy
We are one and no one’s lonely here
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
Chain that never breaks
No one can replace
We are together
Friends and in unison
Share a homeland
“The world” country
No one's ever gonna come between us
No one's ever gonna break the chain
No one's ever gonna come between, we’ll stay the same
Together we share this home
Together under this roof
We are all human, from a to z
We are together, we are together
Are together
When we unite/when the hands hold - 2 варианта перевода
We get the bond with God
Whoever you are
Wherever you come from
We got the bond
See this as this world together side by side
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
Chain that never breaks
No one can replace
We are together
Friends and in unison
Share a homeland
"The world” country
Together we share this home
Together under this roof
We are all human, from a to z
We are together, we are together
Are together
No one's ever gonna come between us
No one's ever gonna break the chain
No one's ever gonna come between, we’ll stay the same
In the country of world no one reigns but love
No army is required but the army of light
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
Chain that never breaks
No one can replace
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
The memories we share
Are honored, I swear
No one's ever gonna come between us
No one's ever gonna break the chain
No one's ever gonna come between, we’ll stay the same
Вариант на английском и фарси. Фарси с переводом.
Once upon a time you said to me
Everyone is seeking to be free
تو یک دلی دو رنگیا نیست(Don’t seek for duplicity in empathy)
با اینه که همه یکی م هیچ کس اینجا تنها نیست(We are one and no one’s lonely here)
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
Chain that never breaks
No one can replace
ما با هم (We are together)
یار و هم آوا (Friends and in unison)
یک وطن داریم(Share a homeland)
کشور دنیا(“The world” country)
No one's ever gonna come between us
No one's ever gonna break the chain
No one's ever gonna come between, we’ll stay the same
Вبا هم، همه شده ایم هم خونه(Together we share this home)
با هم، همه زیر یک سقفیم(Together under this roof)
از دم اسم همه آدمه(We are all human, from a to z)
ما باهمیم ما باهمیم (We are together, we are together)
با همیم (Are together)
دستا که زنجیر میشن با هم (When we unite/when the hands hold)- 2 варианта перевода
با خدا یکی میشه آدم(We get the bond with God)
Whoever you are
Wherever you come from
We got the bond
See this as this world together side by side
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
Chain that never breaks
No one can replace
ما با هم (We are together)
یار و هم آوا(Friends and in unison)
یک وطن داریم(Share a homeland)
کشور دنیا(“The world” country)
Вبا هم، همه شده ایم هم خونه(Together we share this home)
با هم، همه زیر یک سقفیم(Together under this roof)
از دم اسم همه آدمه(We are all human, from a to z)
ما باهمیم ما باهمیم (We are together, we are together)
با همیم (Are together)
No one's ever gonna come between us
No one's ever gonna break the chain
No one's ever gonna come between, we’ll stay the same
در کشور دنیا جز عشق پادشاهی نیست(In the country of world no one reigns but love)
جز ارتش نور نیاز به هیچ سپاهی نیست(No army is required but the army of light)
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
Chain that never breaks
No one can replace
We are one
Unbreakable and strong
The memories we share
Are honored, I swear
No one's ever gonna come between us
No one's ever gonna break the chain
No one's ever gonna come between, we’ll stay the same